June 18-21th, 2025 – Genoa (Italy)
In an increasingly interconnected world, the challenges facing individuals, organizations, and governments are systemic and complex to manage. The Covid-19 pandemic, climate change, rising political polarization, and recent armed conflicts highlight how today's global system is particularly fragile and vulnerable. At the same time, new technologies, such as artificial intelligence, augmented reality, and blockchain are profoundly reshaping the internal processes of organizations, business dynamics, and workplace relationships. Faced with the social, economic, digital, and political tensions that characterize today’s competitive landscape, trust takes on an unprecedented role in successfully navigating uncertain, dynamic, and hostile environments.
There is a need to develop our trust theory and knowledge, both within organizations and externally, to ensure that we overcome these important new challenges and pursue goals such as environmental and social responsibility, decent and sustainable work, securing global supply chains, responsible management of diverse employee populations, and innovation in the provision of services (e.g., health, defense, disaster management) to foster collaboration and manage vulnerability even in the face of increasing complexity.
The 13th FINT Conference - Trust Within and Between Organizations - offers a unique and inspiring opportunity to discuss within the community how best to address these important changes that have occurred in recent times. The 13th FINT Conference will be held in Genoa, Italy, June 18-21, 2025, in the beautiful setting of the Rolli Palaces. Genoa is a city that knows how to surprise with its cultural richness, gastronomic traditions, and the diverse landscapes on offer. A place that offers much more than what can be expected from those who travel with curiosity, openness, and a desire to explore.
Considering how the topic of trust can cross multiple disciplinary boundaries, the FINT Conference encourages proposals and submissions that aim to observe trust through different theoretical lenses and different empirical perspectives, based on qualitative or quantitative investigations, reflecting different careers, disciplines, phenomena, and methodologies.
We invite you to submit a paper in one of these four categories:
- First Cut Papers. Papers in development can be submitted in the “First Cut Papers” section. These papers will be presented in conference sessions designed to provide maximum feedback to the authors. Papers in this category must be submitted as an extended abstract of up to 1,500 words, including title and abstract.
- Conference papers. Well-developed manuscripts and close to presentation or journal publication may be submitted in the “Conference Papers” section. Papers in this category may contain up to a maximum of 3000 words, including title and abstract.
- Alternate Format Submissions (Symposia, Panels, etc.). Submissions of alternative session types, such as symposia, interactive roundtables, workshops, and other innovative formats are also welcome (feel free to be creative!). Unlike paper submissions, these papers are not subject to blind review and must include a title page with the names, affiliations, and roles of the people who will lead, present, or speak in the session. Submissions in alternative format should not exceed 3000 words (including title page, abstract, figures/tables, references, etc.) Successful submissions will generally be allocated a 1.5-hour session within the conference program. Please note that space for alternative sessions is limited.
- Junior Faculty/Doctoral Student Colloquium. Doctoral & Early Career Colloquium. PhD students and early career academics are encouraged to apply for and submit a research overview or paper to the Doctoral & Early Career Colloquium on June 18th, 2025. Please see submission information for the dedicated Colloquium webpage (https://www.fintconference.com/doctoral-colloquium/). Submissions are due by 15 January 2025, at 11:59 pm CET (UTC +1) via the main submission portal.
In all categories, papers should be submitted in MS Word or PDF with double spacing, Times New Roman 12pt font, numbered pages, and APA-style citations. The paper should clearly explain the relevance of the chosen topic, research question, theoretical background, and research contribution. Empirical papers should provide an overview of the methodology, analysis, and key findings. To facilitate double-blind review, please ensure the submission document excludes author names or identifying information. Instead, details on authorship can be provided through the document submission system.
We will recognize exceptional research by providing prizes in three categories:
- Most innovative research on trust;
- Research with high societal relevance;
- Promising early-career trust research (PhD students or those recently obtained their PhD).
Submission Deadline: All papers must be submitted by November 29, 2024, at 11:59 pm CET (UTC +1).
The submission system will be open on May 31, 2024: fint2025.exordo.com
If you have any questions, please contact fint2025@unige.it